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NBL - Jack Jumpers Brand Launch

Client: South South West | NBL
Animation Type: Animation, Illustration, 2D, 3D

Tasmania Jack Jumpers March into NBL

As big sports fans here at Jumbla we were stoked to work with our friends at South South West to help bring to life their fantastic branding work for the new Tasmanian NBL franchise team - the Tasmania Jack Jumpers! 

An awesome project to be a part of, the aim was to create a fun, energetic and spine tingling animation that would get all Tasmanians, especially families and kids, pumped and excited for the new team and ultimately drive new memberships and support for the club.

This brand launch animation was played at the brand reveal event which took place in September 2020, and blasted all over the net and TV, and ultimately had a major role in converting over 1,000 members in the first 24 hours! Not bad at all!

But what is a Jack Jumper you say? Don't worry, we asked the same question - but once you know, it totally makes sense, and the name really grows on you too...

The Jack Jumper is a small venomous bull-ant known for jumping long distances and not backing down from a fight. Native to Tasmania and found across the south eastern parts of Australia, many believe the ant to be the most deadly in the world as it's singer injects a poisonous venom that can cause severe reactions in some people. So you know... if you ever come across some... ruin!

A great project with a super tight turn-around, we are really happy with the end result.

For more info on the team, the brand, and other things, check out the links below.

South South West - Brand Story

Jack Jumpers Official Website


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