Animation News Australia

The Wilderness Society & Drawing Onesies | Jumbla

Written by Jumbla Creative | Apr 6, 2016

It’s a fashion product traditionally worn to get people laughing, but we and the Wilderness Society are using them to shed light on the very serious plight of threatened animals. We’re talking about the one and only, onesie.

We’ve proudly made seven animated web videos for the environmental advocacy organisation. Instead of drawing animals per se, the clips tell stories using people wearing animal onesies to get people thinking about threatened species as they would their human friends and relatives.

So far, five of the videos have gone live – going out via e-mail, with the remaining to be released over the coming weeks.

Raising awareness

The videos have been commissioned as part of the ‘Save Our Endangered Wildlife’ Campaign.  The Wilderness Society’s Climate Campaign Manager, Glenn Walker, said this is being launched at a crucial time.

“After falling sharply from 2005, land clearing in Australia is spiralling out of control due to severe weakening of laws by state governments. The devastation is heartbreaking. Native animals, including threatened species, are killed as the bulldozers drag giant chains through the forests and woodlands that they call home,” he said. .

“Through these beautiful animations created by Jumbla, we’re sharing stories that’ll inspire a healthy and vibrant Australia – a place which both humans and animals can call home.”

Saving the continent through community

One of the videos depicts young kids wearing koala onesies, enthusiastically climbing a tree house. Moments later, the scene changes, and one of the children is alone and homeless on the street – still dressed in his koala outfit. The video highlights the fact that ⅓ of koalas have been wiped out since 1990 due to habitat loss.

The Wilderness Society says it relies on the generosity of the public, through donations and memberships, to do its crucial work protecting wilderness and promoting nature. You can sign the petition to save the Koala’s, here!

“At the Wilderness Society we’re working closely with local communities to create a movement where we can protect and restore wilderness across our great continent – from old growth forests to magnificent rivers and outback landscapes, to vast blue seas,” Mr Walker says.

“Together, we demand that our politicians back all Australians who are building a better, safer and fairer future for all.”

'The perfect medium'

We’re thrilled to be working towards this cause and have given a lot of love to the project in terms of time and resources.

Jumbla Creative Director Callan Woolcock said, “The works are highly illustrative in nature – everything is hand drawn.”

“Animation was the perfect medium for these messages, it gave us so much flexibility to breathe a human life into the plight of these animals that are facing uncertain futures.”

Keep your eyes here or on The Wilderness Society’s website and Facebook page for the release of the remaining videos!