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e-Sports Commercial

Cyber Games - League of Legends 'Return of the Legends'

Client: Cyber Games
Animation Type: 3D, Animation

One of our larger audiences

Being chosen to create the online promo spots for this eSports competition in Hong Kong was HUGE.

The e-Sports & Music Festival Hong Kong is like the Olympics for gamers. There are star players, there are star teams. At tournaments like this one, they compete for big money in front of a live and an online streaming audience who watch them play.

To promote the event, Jumbla Creative Director Oz Smith wanted to create characters similar to those used in the game and to match them up with the names of star players known to the audience.

It transformed into an East vs West battle of giant god-like statues that came to life, arose, and prepared to battle once again - all while dragging themselves towards the top of a mountain and reaching out for the prize (festival victory!).

Creative Director comments

“For this promo, we couldn’t use actual League of Legends characters because we were promoting the tournament, not the game. Our 'new' characters created quite a stir with devotees. Thousands of comments were notched up online,” Oz said.


Technical/style notes

The video was modelled and animated in Blender – an open source program we’re quite fond of. We transferred the result to Cinema 4D for the environment and some effects, rendered it in Octane, and comped it in After Effects.

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